




  1. 寒假时间





  1. 寒潮天气来袭,大风、降温在即,及时添加衣物,保暖抗寒。

  2. 注意防火、防盗、防诈骗及个人人身和财产安全,坚决杜绝非法就业行为。

  3. 校内住宿同学,有事外出要提前在系统内申请,如需在外过夜提前三天向辅导员办理请假手续。

  4. 外出期间,一定要保持手机畅通;严格遵守交通规则和公共秩序;公共场合应注意自身安全、保管好财物,不要轻易与陌生人搭讪;入住正规酒店。



  1. 少出门,尽量避免出入公共场所,减少乘坐公共交通工具。确需外出,一定要佩戴口罩,做好防护。要减少聚集扎堆,不组织聚会聚餐。

  2. 尽量减少流动,减少前往人员密集地区,不要前往风险地区及附近。不得擅自离沪,如有特殊情况需要离开上海,需提前向辅导员办理请假手续。返沪或返校后及时联系辅导员销假

  3. 勤洗手、多通风,保持健康自测和良好的卫生习惯。如果有身体状况变化,请及时就医排查,同时报告老师。积极配合学校防疫工作,坚持完成每日健康报告,注意健康和人身安全。

  4. 保持科学健康生活方式,多喝水,常开窗、多消毒,合理膳食,锻炼身体,提高身体素质。如遇到自己或身边的人出现疑似症状,要主动向学校报告并及时就医,做到早发现、早报告、早隔离、早治疗,坚决阻断疫情扩散蔓延。








A letter to international students in Shanghai University of Political Science and Law on winter vacation

Dear students,

The winter vacation and Chinese Spring Festival of 2021 are coming. We'd like to extend ourwarmest regards and sincere wishes for the new year to the students and your families! In order to make the students have a safe, happy, full and peaceful holidayand vacation, we hereby remind the students to pay attention to the following:

1.Winter vacation time:

20thJanuary to 26thFebruary, 2021.

During the winter vacation, if you encounter any problems, please contact the teachers in School of International Communication and Exchange (International Students Office) at the first moment. We will try our best to help you.

2.Safety precautions during winter vacation:

During the winter vacation, please strictly abide by the relevant regulations of the school and improve the safety awareness.

1A strong cold front is on the way to hit, pleasekeep warmenough.

2Pay attention to fire prevention, theft prevention, fraud prevention and personal and property safety, noillegal employment.

3If you need to go out, you should apply in advance by the system. If you need to stay out for the night, you should apply to the tutor for leave atleast3 daysbefore.

4When you go out, pleasekeep your mobile phone on; strictly abide by the traffic rules and public order; pay attention to your own safety in public places, take good care of your belongings, don't chat with strangers casually; stay in a regular hotel.

3.Safety precautions for epidemic prevention:

At present, it is still a critical period to fight against the epidemic.

1Avoid going out of public places and taking public transportation. If you really need to go out, you must wear face masks and protect yourself. It is necessary to reduce gatherings and do not organize parties.

2Try to reduce mobility, reduce going to densely populated areas, do not go to risk areas and nearby. You are not allowed to leave Shanghai without permission. If you need to leave Shanghai under special circumstances, you need to ask for leave from tutors in advance. After returning to Shanghai or school, please contact the tutor to cancel the leave in time.

3Wash hands frequently, ventilate more, keep healthy self-test and good hygiene habit. If there is any change in physical condition, please see a doctor in time and report to the teacher at the same time. Actively cooperate with the school epidemic prevention work, adhere to complete the daily health report, pay attention to health and personal safety.

4Maintain a scientific and healthy lifestyle, drink more water, open windows frequently, disinfect more, eat reasonably, exercise and improve physical fitness. In case of suspected symptoms of yourself or people around you, take the initiative to report to the school and seek medical treatment in time, so as to achieve early detection, early report, early isolation and early treatment, and resolutely block the spread of the epidemic.

4.Notice for registration:

Students who leave school without asking for leave for two consecutive weeks, do not participate in teaching activities orhave not completed the registration shall be considered and given automatic dropout according to the relevant provisions of the university.

  • StudentswhoarecurrentlyinChina: please register at the Office (102, building 55) on February 28th, and attend classes on Monday, March 1st.

1Registration form:takeyour student card for registration.

2Scholarship shall be suspended for scholarship students who fail to register on time.

  • Students who are currently abroad: register online from February 27thto February 28th, the website is https://shupl.at0086.cn/studentand attend classes on Monday, March 1st.

At present, the school epidemic prevention situation is generally stable, and all the work is carried out in an orderly way. In this special period, we sincerely hope and firmly believe that each international student in SHUPL can consciously abide by the laws, school rules and epidemic prevention requirements, continue to strengthen their confidence to win the battle of epidemic prevention and control by scientific prevention and control!Finally, wish you peace, health and progress. Lookforward to meet you again!