A visit to the Shanghai Museum

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-06-05Browse times:676

The international students (class C) of Shanghai University of Political Science and Law visited the Shanghai Museum on 24th November around 1pm as scheduled.

Shanghai Museum is located in the People’s square near Nanjing Road. The Shanghai Museum is hard to miss thanks to its distinct architecture (a circular building on top of a square foundation) and remarkable size. It’s an historical gem. It’s called one of the best museums in China. A diverse collection of artifacts including ornate calligraphy, exquisite jade carvings, thousand years old bronze works and traditional Chinese grab. So as international students we got an opportunity to visit this expansive museum.

Our students loved the vast amount of historical articles which was available for the view and appreciated the comprehensive history lesson which they got by our history teacher. It was a good and exciting experience for all of us and we did not forget to take some memories with us. 

Except for the tiredness we got walking around the museum, more is the joy of friendship after the visit. This visit not only motivates us to love the history, but also to highlight the feeling of one family, and further strengthen the communication between us and enhances the friendship. (李纯撰稿/摄影)

School of International Communication and Exchange

24 November2016