Library Activity 2016

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-06-05Browse times:664

“Behind every hardworking host is a harder-working talented Booker

Shanghai University of Political Science and Law held the Library Activity on 29th November, It was a good opportunity for our international students to show their talents and improve their unique talent.


It was a special event where international students and Chinese students can set aside their classwork and other responsibilities to come together as a community to support our international friends.

The library activity consisted of internationally related performances, where participants will perform their piece as well as explain something about their performance or the talent. So after the welcome speech our students showed their unique talents in singing and dancing.

        After an exciting event our judges announced our winners.

·1st place – Kamila, Elina, Islam

·2nd place – Eloisa Cabinda

·3rd place – All stars and Nur

Except for the sweat of us on the stage, more is the joy of friendship after the show got over. This activity not only motivates everyone’s enthusiasm in dancing and singing, but also highlight the power of team spirit, and can further strengthen the communication between us and enhance the friendship.  

Congratulations everybody, we did a great job!(Written by: Sachini 李纯/奥莉摄影)


School of International Communication and Exchange

29th November, 2016