The School of International Communication and Exchange Held a Series of Lectures on "Silk Road Lectures": Approaching Turkey

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-06-04Browse times:646

On the afternoon of April 3, 2018, the first phase of the SICE Spring 2018 Silk Road Lecture Approaching Turkey was held as scheduled at 210 Yongfu Building, which attracted many Chinese and foreign students to participate and listen.

The speaker, Green Eagle, first played a carefully selected video introducing Turkey, which visually showed the audience the unique characteristics of Turkey, and immediately attracted the attention of the students.

Afterwards, Green Eagle presented basic information about Turkey's capital, currency, language, religion, etc. in proficient English, detailed the history and philosophy of Turkish statehood, and analyzed the political structure of Turkey. His unique insights and deep knowledge accumulation have benefited the students. In addition, Green Hawk introduced the tourist destinations and food culture of Turkey, making the students feel like they were there through rich pictures and engaging presentations. The atmosphere was warm and cordial, with constant exchanges. Green Eagle concluded with a video that gave students a deeper insight into the flavor and culture of Turkey through detailed footage.

Each edition of the Silk Road Lecture Hall is a platform for interaction and exchange between Chinese and foreign students, a stage for international students to show their national culture and personal style, and a window for Chinese students to learn and experience international culture. (Contributed by Sai Liu)

School of International Communication and Exchange 

(International Student Office)

April 3, 2018