Concerns From International Students in the Outbreak

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-06-01Browse times:1067

We really did not expect that one usual greeting phone call from the international students office teacher to students will make three internatioanl students busy on this special winter vacation. A special consignment trip from Laos to China began ...

After learning about the epidemic from the teachers, Lao student TONGVA BLONGLAO immediately collected masks in his country to contribute to the school's epidemic. In order to buy masks more quickly and more, he contacted two other students from Laos, MOUA HER and VAMENG FEULAO. The three started from the village, town, and city where their hometown is located, and expanded the scope a little to supermarkets, shopping malls, The pharmacies... After their efforts, on February 12, 150 masks condensing their hearts for school were boarded on a plane from Laos to Shanghai.

Other international students also took action. Russian student SHCHERBAKOVA ANASTASIIA and Indonesian student RESTIANA JESSICA KORLI always paid attention to the relevant information of the epidemic and assisted the teachers to promptly post various official news and data in the group, eliminating the anxiety and doubt of the students. Kazakhstan student ISRAILOV SARVAR was still in his hometown but was always concerned about the teachers and students in the school. He passed the school's strict and detailed epidemic prevention measures and other information to his parents to alleviate their concerns. CABINDA MORENO DE ALMEIDA ELOISA, a student from Sao Tome and Principe always pays attention to various WeChat group news of the school, and forward all kinds of epidemic prevention information and important notices sent by teachers, and translate them into multiple languages for other students to read and understand.

There is also a volunteer team of international students organized by them. They are Kyrgyz student NADYRBEKOVA NURAIYM and Kazakhstan student UMAROV ALISHER who help teachers and community managers to translate; Vietnamese student DUONG THI ANH THU who post information on wechat on time every day; students take duty in the international student dorm like Russian student TUKHVATULLINA ELNARA, Egyptian student MAHMOUD ABDELFATAHMOHAMEDABDOU REEM, Comorian student NAOUMI MARCY MICHEL SAID MIHIDJAHI, Sao Tome and Principe student CABINDA MORENO DE ALMEIDA ELOISA, Uzbekistan student ABULKOSIMOV SAIDKOSIM, Kazakh student ABDULLAYEVA DILRABO, KUPCHINENKO NIKOLAY, UBAIDULLAEV SHAKIRZHAN; assisted managers in ward round and temperature measurement in Equatorial Guinea student MATUE NZAMBI SEVERINO BENJAMIN, Tajikistan student RUZIEV PARVIZ, Kazakhstan student ZHANGWEI, etc ...

The epidemic is ruthless, and the students from SHUPL silently contributed to winning the epidemic prevention and control fight, in their own way, resolutely cheer for the school and cheer for China!