The 4th “My Beautiful Encounter with China” Essay/Short-Video Competition for International Students

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-05-31Browse times:2658

The 4th “My Beautiful Encounter with ChinaEssay/Short-Video Competition for International Students

Want to tell us your stories with a Chinese friend?

Want to share with your peers your feelings about Chinese culture? Want to record your life, work, study in China in terms of the brand new life style and study mode? Want to roast your cultural conflicts, laugh, embarrassment or bitterness over your surroundings?

Please join us!

Authorized by the Ministry of Education of China, the Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchanges (CSCSE), will hold the 4th “My Beautiful Encounter with China” essay competition as well as a short-video competition with the same theme this year. With the hope of helping to enrich your experience in China and promote the cultural exchanges among international students from different parts of the world, we invite you to participate the above-mentioned exciting event:

Participants: International students, alumni graduated from SHUPL.

Ways to Participate: Participants may choose from either of the two forms (essay or short-video), or join both of them. Assessments of these two competitions are separate and independent.


We expect you to share your experiences and insights of the constantly developing and changing China, as well as the brand new life style, study mode and communication way shaped by new technology and new way of life. We hope to learn your touching stories, which reflect your ties with China and Chinese people.  

Essay:written Written in Chinese and the length should be around 1,000 Chinese characters.(Title font: Song, size , centered, bolding. Text font: Song, size 小四, 1.5x line spacing.

Short-Video :15-60 seconds per clip, in MP4 format. And write a 100-word brief introduction in Chinese for the video.

Please name the essay or video file as: Your Chinese name + nationality + 上海政法学院 + name of your work

All participants are required to submit 1-2 personal photos. 

Please send your essay/video, Chinese introduction of the video and your photos to

*For oversized videos, a BaiDuYun link is recommended.

Deadline: June 20, 2020 for essay competition; June 05, 2020 for short-video contest.

Rewards: All submitted essays will be reviewed by a professional panel. Outstanding essays will be published as a book, and some of them may be published in newspapers or magazines. Short videos will be assessed based on contents, quality, popularity and etc.Outstanding videos will be posted on CSCSE website and short-video apps. Winners of both competitions will receive rewards.

Looking forward for your contribution!