STEP 4: Health Checkup

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-05-30Browse times:680

After finishing registration and payment, the office will make appointment for your health examination. Go to the hospital on time for the examination.

 1. Required Materials

a. Health examination application form
c. Letter of admission
d. JW 202 form
e. 500 yuan in cash
f. four 2 inch (3.5cm*5.3cm) photos


TIPS: You can take photos, make copies of materials, and do express delivery at the health examination center. The examination fee is different for different countries, about 400 to 500 yuan per person, and you should pay it in the health examination center by yourself.


2. Address: Shanghai Jinbang Road, No. 15.(金浜路15号)


3.Transportation: Take bus to Sheshan(佘山) subway station, then take line 9 in Middle Yanggao Road direction. After 4 stations get off at Qibao(七宝). Go out in Exit 6 to take taxi to Shanghai international travel health examination center (JinBang Road No.15).