STEP 3: Payment and Registration Procedure

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-05-30Browse times:698

Please bring all the following materials to International Students Office of the university to do the payment and registration. Keep your receipt for payment safe. Students who do not bring all the following materials will not be allowed to do registration. In the registration procedure, students whose application materials were found fake or concealed, the admission qualification will be cancelled and the registration will not be processed.


1. Original Version of Admission Letter of SHUPL

2. JW202 Form

3. The payment receipt of registration fee need to be provided if already paid

4. Notarized highest diploma (photocopy)

5. Academic transcripts (written in Chinese or English)

6. Guarantee letter of financial support or personal bank statement

7. Foreigner Physical Examination Form

8. Original Passport & Photocopy of the passport page

9. 4 Passport size photos

10. Certificate of no criminal record

11. Degree students need to provide a academic transcript of HSK.

12. Learning certificate(leaving school certificate)

13. Temporary resident permission


1. The university can only accept fee payment by cash or transfer from the Chinese bank card. Students who want to pay after get to the university please be prepared.

2. Students who live in the university dorm should pay 500yuan/person deposit and pay 400yuan/person for bed stuff if the student need. The internet fee should be paid by the student himself/herself, and it is about 500yuan for every room every year. All the above fees must be paid in cash, please prepare enough RMB.

3. Students who want to live outside campus have to apply and get the permission from the university so that can begin the procedure of living outside campus.