Residence Permits for Study

Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-05-28Browse times:710

Window Service Notice for Shanghai Municipal PSB


This window for residence permits for study. Please be aware of the following information. Thank you for your cooperation.

I. Who can apply:

1. International students studying in Shanghai;

2. International students studying in Shanghai and engaged inoff-campus internships (marked off-campus internship);

3. International students studying in Shanghai and engaged in part-time entrepreneurship in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone or Shanghai Zhangjiang National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone (the Two Zones) or mass entrepreneurship and innovation demonstration bases (demonstration bases) (marked entrepreneurship).

II. Documents required:

1. The applicant's original, valid passport and visa;

2. An original and photocopy of the Registration Form of Temporary Residence for Visitors filled in with the applicant's latest valid passport and issued by the police station in the district of Shanghai where the applicant resides (if the form is issued by a local hotel, then provide proof of accommodation for more than one month, and/ or a contract on long-term stay with the hotel if necessary);

3. A completed Visa and Residence Permit Application Form for Foreigners, and the applicant shall go to the local exit-entry administration of public security organs in person to take a free photograph, or the applicant who meets the relevant requirement of applying for visa without coming in person shall submit one color identification photo (taken within 6 months, white background, 2-inch, bareheaded, without modification, photographic paper printed, without smears);

4. A health certificate issued by a domestic entry-exit inspection and quarantine department within the past 6 months (applicants under 18 and over 70 are exempt from this requirement);

5. Original application letter and admission notice from the school (or certificate of student status);

6. Relevant school certificates (required only for first-time applicant unless the school has changed)

(1) Applicants studying at a university shall submit the Visa Application Form for Foreign Students Studying in China (Form JW202/201);

(2) Applicants studying at an international school shall submit the Annual Registration Form of Schools for Foreigners' Children in Shanghai and the students’register;

7. Supporting documents consistent with the reason for application:

(1) International students marked off-campus internship shall submit a verification letter issued by the Foreign Student Management Department of the university and a letter of proof from the organization of the internship;

(2) International students marked entrepreneurship shall submit a verification letter issued by the Foreign Student Management Department of the university and a verification letter for part-time entrepreneurship issued by a relevant department at the Two Zones or the demonstration bases, as well as the original and photocopy of the business license or registration certificate of the organization (and, if the business license does not contain its unified social credit code, its organizational code certificate);

8. Students under 16 shall also submit the original notarized certificate of guardianship issued by the Shanghai Notary Office and the original and photocopy of the valid identity certificate of the guardian.

Notes: 1. In-person application is required for applicants aged 16-60 years for the first time. Subsequent applications may be made by the school or a relative by providing relevant documents, or online appointments is available at our E-government platform for entry-exit administration ( A medical examination certificate is not required for residence permit renewals within three months of expiration.

2. Exit-entry administrations of public security organs may, as they deem necessary, require applicants to attend an interview or submit additional supporting documents (such as proof of financial support, proof of change of information such as name, or business operation certificate, etc.). Applications which fail to provide the requisite information within the required time will be rejected, unless caused by aforce majeureevent.

3. All decisions of exit-entry administrations of public security organs rejecting applications for extension, replacement or re-issuance of ordinary visas, or rejecting foreigners’ applications for residence permits or permit extensions, shall be final.

III. Office hours and locations:

Exit-Entry Administration of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau (PSB): Monday to Saturday, 9:00-17:00 (except for statutory holidays; Saturdays for document acceptance only)

Exit-Entry Administration Division of Shanghai FTZ Branch of the Shanghai Municipal PSB, and exit-entry administration offices of other branches:

For office hours and locations, see Office Hours and Locations for Foreigner Certificate Applications in Each District.

IV. Processing time:

Within 7 business days for applications with complete documents required.

V. Fees:

For details, see the Visa Fees for Reciprocal and Non-Reciprocal Countries (National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance [J.J.G. No.392 of 2003]).

VI. Service hotline: 28951900

VII. Complaint hotline: 68547109

VIII. E-government platform for Exit-Entry Administration of Shanghai Municipal PSB:

Public WeChat account for Exit-Entry Administration of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau: shgacrj

Exit-Entry Administration of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau

September 2019