Publisher:国际交流学院(英文)Release time:2020-03-23Browse times:2677

Entry Visa Applying

International students need to apply for visa into Chinain the Chinese embassy or consulate in China. Applying for a visaneed to provide the documents including your valid passport, letterof admission (original) and visa application for study in China (alsoknown as JW201 or JW202).

When you take your passport back and get your visa,please make sure that the letter of admission (original) and JW201 orJW202 (original) will be returned to you. It is important documentsthat need to be provided to the public security when you apply forresidence permit in China.

Students whostudy in China for more than half a year must hold X1 visa.


(1) X1 visa valid for30 days. The X1 visa must apply for residence permit within 30 daysafter entering, so that they can legally live in China for a longtime.

(2) according to the relevantlaws, visa-free visas cannot change to other types of visa in China.Please apply the X1/ X2 visa.

School, therefore, suggested that the students shouldn'tentry too early, because you are eligible to apply for residencepermits only after you report at school.